Review of The Jungle Book 3D film

You belong to an English-language film club where you recently saw a film in 3D. You have agreed to write a review of this film for the group´s monthly newsletter. In this review you should give your opinion of the 3D effects in the film and say whether you think 3D adds anything in general, to the experience of watching a movie, as well as giving your opinion about the actual movie itself, and whether and to whom you would recommend it. (The task comes from the book: "Succeed in Cambridge English: Proficiency" by Global ELT ). Film review on “The Jungle Book 3D” When Rudyard Kipling, the author of the Jungle Book, finished writing his master piece more than a hundred years ago, he probably foresaw the success his work would have one day; but not that his gorillas and wildebeests would come into life through the magic of 3D . On occasion of the release of the 3D version of the movie this year, I write this lines to highlight the positive and not so positive features. First o...