CPE exam 2016 Article Sample

Submitted by Elena Malykh # words: 240 The Unibaken museum in Stockholm Located in the city center, on an island , this museum looks like a small railway station, but was actually the house of Swedish writer Astrid Lindgren, who became a household name in the 1920s for writing riveting books for children like "Pipilongstokey", the red-haired naughty girl with super-strength powers. The Unibaken is not the typical museum with exhibits on display which young people find boring, but a really brand-new and very interactive experience. There is an educational play-room for children which looks like a miniature Nordic town, there is a theater for adults playing classic movies, and a library and audio collection of the best works of Astrid Lindgren. I still remember visiting the museum for the first time and travelling in the Story Train. While making this trip I enjoyed looking at the fantastic sets created by the museum´s designers and listening to the audios about t...