CPE Essay Sample and Correction

Dear Gustavo kindly read my essay for CPE .Thanks. Eliza Fernandez Genetic engineering Over the past few decades science and technology have changed every aspect of life . However in medical science it’s its evidence is even more transparent for the recent research innovated a process called genetic engineering that eventually makes way for unnatural birth for the first time on earth . (Feedback: Is the introduction clear? By reading the introduction, does the reader have a clear idea of what your are goint to write about?) As scientists claim genetic engineering is an evolutionary process itself . The process is capable of editing faulty genes from animals while the embryo is under gastronomical development. This replacement of faulty genes will ensure healthy cubs free from genetic mutation and diseases that originate from parental genes will also be edited which indicate birth of more healthy animal cubs and crop. Reasonably, there will be more new varieties of plants...