CPE Exam. Write a report 280-320 words

You belong to an international film club and have been asked to write a report for the club members including information about the main events held over the last twelve months, the present plans for activities in the coming years and a summary of the current financial position of the club in respect of money received and payments made.

The international film club annual report (title)

The aim of this report is to give our club members an overview of the current annual activity and inform you of our future projects for the coming year. In addition, we have included an insight of our financial annual budget. (Note: Reports tend to be formal in style, so avoid using contractions)

Events of the year (subheading/ or subtitle)

The growing enthusiasm for Italian films is such that we considered necessary to organise a whole weekend on the subject. No need to say that organising it was really worth the effort. We had a high number of members participating who enjoyed a wide range of films courtesy of our Italian partners.
Additionally to this event, we achieved great success in our annual dinner. Not only new contracts were signed with our current international partners but also with many new ones.

Extending our video library (subheading/ or subtitle)

Due our successful meetings, which included a talk by a famous film director, we are now going to be able to provide our club with a large quantity of new films.
For that, we plan to build an extension of the video library for next year with a section dedicated to all these new Italian films.

Healthy finances (subheading/ or subtitle)

It can be said that our financial position this year is in good stead:

- We have been granted 15000€ by the national organisation to help us develop a more enriched library.
- 32 new members have subscribed this year.
As a result, the coming money amounts to more than 20000€ this year

Regarding the expenses:
- The films rentals cost no more than 5000€ this year
- We have reduced  on stationery  expenditures spending only 700€

Our activity is really blooming and there is no doubt that our project will be undertaken for the coming year trouble free. We also believe your ideas will be helpful to make the club still more enjoyable. Therefore we suggest taking a bit of your free time to fill the idea form available at the entrance of the club.

By SYB ( CPE blogger from France )


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