Writing an Essay at the CPE Cambridge exam:

-   Read both pieces of text.
-   Underline the 2 key points in each paragraph , points 1+2 and 3+4.
-   Decide how far you agree with these points.
-   List some relevant ideas.
-   Plan your answer in 4 or 5 paragraphs.

Layout of an essay :

-          Introduction ( short summary of both pieces of text)
-          Paragraph 1 summarising points 1 and 2
-          Paragraph 2 summarising points 3 and 4
-          Conclusion 

Sentence openers :
-          The first text suggests that…..
The second text raises the issue of …..
-          The writer is of the opinion that….
-          Additionally, it is ragued that…..
-          The two texts contrast differing views of…..
-          According to the first passage…….
-          Personaly, i …………….
-          The second text put forward……
-          I believe that………
-          In conclusuon , it is my opinion that……

Linking points and arguments

-          As opposed to
-          In the sense that…..
-          For this reason……..

Making generalisations :

-          On the whole….
-          In general…..
-          For the most part….
-          As a rule……
-          It is often that….
-          It is usually the case that…..
-          People to regard…..
-          The reality is that…..

Being specific:
-          With respect to...
-          In the case of...
-          As regards...
-          In terms of….
-          With the exception of…..
-          From the ….. point of view….
-          They are seen as…..
-          As far as ……are / is concerned……

Raising an argument:
-          Considering…..
-          On the question of….
-          No one would dispute…….

Giving one side:
-          One argument in favour of this is ….
-          In support of…..
-          It is true that……

Giving the other side:
-          At the same time….
-          In actual fact…..
-          On the other hand….
-          In contrast to….
-          Set/ weighed against this is…..

Attitude :
-          Personally...
-          Unfortunately...
-          Obviously...
-          Evidently...
-          Presumably...
-          Naturally...
-          fortunately..

-          a great deal of...
-          to some / a large extent...
-          a large number of….



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