Read this COMPETITION ENTRY sample sent to us by a CAE student. Surf our web for more on CAE. We recommend  How to write a Report for CAE.

zidane cae competition entry
We are planning a series of TV programmes about the 10 greatest sportmen and women of all time. Which sportperson would you nominate to be included in the series?

Write to us describing this person’s achievements and explaining why you feel he or she should be included.

Write your competition entry in 220-260 words

Greatest sportsperson competition

Zinedine Zidane is a former French footballer who is considered one of the greatest players of all times. He made a name for himself at national and international level for his outstanding performance in the game and also for the several championships he won throughout his career.  He also helped France classify to the World Cup finale in 2006, in which they were the winners. It goes without saying that this icononic player really deserves to be the candidate for a nomination in your television series.

But how did Zinedine Zidane become such an amazing player? To answer this we need to go back to his early age. He discovered football in his home town. He used to play football with his friends in the streets, where he developed some unrivalled techniques and a perfect control of the ball. Endowed with an unique ability, he evolved as a professional player and won several titles such as the Juventus of Turin and the Real Madrid ones, which led him to be voted several times as the best international football player in 1998, 2000 and 2003, as well as to win a golden ball in 2006.

I believe that what sets Zinedine apart from any the other player is his perseverance and charming personality, but above all his strength to face adversity with composure. So friendly and sociable is he that he became the favorite player of the French in 2006 who nicknamed him «  Zizou ».

At the age of 35 he was at the height of his career and, came the time for him to leave the football pitch. Since 2013 he has held the position of an assistant coach for the Real Madrid team club. If there is one thing for sure is that Zizou is now a legend and he undoubtedly deserves a place among your top ten greatest sportspeople.

Submitted by Syb
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CAE Practice.
Now it is your turn to practise for the CAE Cambridge Exam. Write a Competition Entry using the task above. If you would like to have your writing checked for free and posted in this blog, you can send it to


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