CAE December 2014 Writing Paper. What to expect in the exam.

Are you taking the Cambridge CAE exam in December 2014? Then you are probably wondering what to expect in the Writing Paper. Read this post to find out.

The Writing Paper of the CAE exam is divided in two parts:

Part 1 Compulsory task

Writing one of the following: an article, a report, a proposal or

a letter. 180-220 words.

To prepare for this part, visit our page How to write an article for an International Exam

Part 2 

Candidates have a choise of tasks. For questions 2-4 the 

task types used are: article, competition entry, contribution to

a longer pieceessay, information sheet, letter, proposal,

report and review. Question 5(a) and 5(b) are based on two

set texts.  220-260 words.

You will need to produce both pieces of writing in 1 hour and 30 minutes. 


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