You would like to start a monthly magazine in English for students at the college where you are studying. You have decided to send a proposal to the college asking for permission and financial support. Your proposal must include the following : why you want to start the magazine, what the first issue would includ, what support and financial help you need from the college.

Write your proposal in 220-260 words

Proposal to launch an English magazine

The purpose of this proposal is to ask for the college permission to launch a monthly English magazine and to ask for financial support. This proposal also outlines the plans and reasons concerning this idea.

Reasons to support the project
The English magazine will contain articles which can be used as supplementary material from the regular language courses. They will be written in 3 different levels of difficulty aiming at basic, intermediate and advanced students.
The students will undoubtedly develop a taste for reading and  learn a with a wide range of vocabulary. Some grammar exercises will also be provided.

First issue 
Shall the projet be accepted and supported the first issue would include the following topics : Science: Featuring and article entitled "The truth about human cloning" (advanced level). Food: "Is organic food really better for our health?" (intermediate level). Health : "How to manage stress" (basic level).

   The cost of producing the magazing for the college would be minimal as we already count with local sponsors, mainly the shops in the area and the bank accross the street. It would only be necessary an inversion of $200 a month.
   I believe the launching of an English magazine will answer the needs of many students and will  really help them to feel more comfortable with English. I hope the plan presented will receive your serious consideration.

#words 260


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