This question is from CAE past paper, year 2007  #Words:250

cae past paper 2007

cae past paper 2007

Proposal on how to improve the college’s website

The aim of this proposal is to outline why it is important to improve the college's website, as well as to describe the changes which need to be made and to present a plan on how to do it.

What needs improvement
According to a group of students surveyed it is very difficult to find information in the website. There is no tool to search for old posts which makes this process complicated. Apart from that the colour and layout of the website is considered dull and extremely unattractive. Some students also mentioned that the information offered in the website is quite limited. Being an international college, they believe there should be a wider amount of up-to-date information available.

Necessary amendments
In order to make this website more appealing we should change the layout and colours of the site. Also some animations and attractive banners can be set up. I am sure that IT students will be eager to help with this task.
To make searching for information easier, we could design a query box so that posts can be searched with keywords. This will be extremely beneficial to us as it will save time. I also think it would be advisable to include a message board, where students can be informed of important events taking place, and a sports page.

Updating the website will certainly benefit the students of this college. Therefore I hope you will consider the suggestions and authorise the financial help for this project.

Sent by Seema Hassan


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