
You belong to an international film club and have been asked to write the club´s annual report this year. This report is written for club members and has to include information about the main events held over the last twelve months, to present plans for activities in the coming year and to summarise the current financial position of the club in respect of money received and payments made.

Source: Task comes from the book "Objective Proficiency" by Annette Capel and Wendy Sharp.

Report on the film club

This aim of this report is to inform our international film club members about the events held throughout last year and the activities planned for the upcoming one. This report will also provide details on the financial position of the organisation.

1. Events of last year

Annual dinner. 
Before  the summer holidays, all the club members met for a farewell meal at a film-like decorated restaurant; which was a real success.

Thematic weekends. 
Arranged twice a month, these sessions featured Italian, science fiction and a series of Meryl Streep films. All of the club members were asked in advance about their favourite movies to ensure all preferences were catered for. 

2. Future plans

A talk by Sofia Coppola.
Being acquainted with the renowned director, the president of our club has invited the actress to attend one of our weekly meetings in May next year. She is due to talk about her latest film and to offer advice to future cinematographers among our fellow members. She has kindly agreed to being interviewed for June´s issue of the club´s magazine.

Video Library. 
All members will enjoy free access to a video library in the coming year. Library cards will be delivered during the first gathering and we will be able to rent up to five films for a maximum of two weeks. In addition, members are encouraged to shoot their own short films and documentaries and to donate  a copy to the Video Library.

3. Finances

Money received last year. 
32 new members were welcomed into our club last year. This signifies a grow of 30% and a positive increase on the club´s finances.

Payments made. 
New stationery material and purchase of the latest Hollywood films, were the two main expenses made last year. A complete chart with statistics can be found on our website. It is also available to be downloaded.

Sample sent by Patricia de Pastors

Words: 312.


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