CAE Writing exam, December, 2015.

Natasha, from Russia, took the CAE exam this December 2015. Here it is the document she sent us.

CAE exam session of the 2d of December, 2015.
Task: Write a report on the advantages and disadvantages of part-time working while studying with a list of part-time jobs (written from memory)
We received the document from Natasha, checked it and posted it on the blog. If you would like to have your Writing for CAE or CPE corrected by us, send it to:

Studying and working

(Exam tip: Reports have a particular structure. Notice how there is a title and paragraphs divided  by subtitles or subheadings)
The aim of this report is to assess the advantages and disadvantages of part-time working while studying and to provide a list of part-time jobs which students mostly do in our country. A conclusion will be made based on the benefits and drawbacks discussed.
List of main jobs
In our city, the most popular part-time jobs for students are in offices, doing simple tasks and helping their more experienced senior bosses, or in places like pubs and restaurants, basically washing up dishes and serving food.

The students who work while studying make money for their personal needs, achieve a partial financial independence, from their parents and gain necessary skills for future life and work. Part time jobs between four walls such us in a marketing agency, are particularly beneficial for the students, who make networking and learn many new skills.
Jobs which involve many hours of badly-paid work and usually stressful activities, such us running with dishes in a restaurant, can influence the students negatively. These students tend to get low exam marks, presumably due to high stress and a low number of hours dedicated to the study.
Summing up the highlighted points, it becomes evident that whether students should work or not is a controversial topic. Taking into account that to study is our main goal, we should think about it twice before accepting a job offer. 

Text sent by Natasha ( Russia )
235 words.


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