The task comes from a book called "Succeed in Cambridge English: Proficiency" by Andrew Betsis, Sean Haughton and Lawrence Mamas published by GLOBAL ELT.

Essay on technology, young prople and communication nowadays.

Technology is the fastest-growing field of our time. Nevertheless, there does not seem to be much middle ground when discussing its advantages and disadvantages for young people. The first passage critiques the high dependency of youngsters on technology and expounds ways in which it harms them. The second one praises it, showing us the other side of the coin, high level of interaction among people, awareness of worl-wide events and 24-hour availability of information.

Three main ideas are explored throughout the first text: first of all, juveniles being so addicted to computer-type technology which allegedly prevents them from expressing themselves properly. Secondly, the immense amount of time they weekly spend online (playing games or writing posts on social networks) directly ensues in “social incompetence”, as defined by the author. Thirdly and in relation to the latter scenario, it is suggested that young users of these platforms are far from serving its original purpose: social interaction.

On the other hand, the second text weighs in positively on the myriad ways in which this so-called communication revolution unites and keeps people informed. Firstly, it is stated place and time-wise limits are no longer an issue when interacting. Moreover, not only do Skype, messaging and other applications make possible instant communication, but they also make people more aware of what happens in the world. Finally, the endless information available thanks to this revolution is certainly thought commendable on the grounds of a more informed and discerning juvenile.

In conclusion, technology can be perilous or useful depending on how it is used. As a young student, I strongly believe it to be extremely useful, as a source of information, as a way to quick-share knowledge, and as a way to make inexpensive interaction possible.

Sent by Patricia de Pastors
Number of words: 280


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