B2 Certification/ CAE: Report Sample 2016

Submitted by Miriam Ortega
# of words: 190

Last year a new Sport and Leisure centre opened in your home town. You have recently received the following letter from the manager of the centre: "I am writing to all members of the Active Leisure club to thank you for your custom over the last year. We want to make the facilities ever better this year! Please, send a short report to us, telling us what you think are the best and the worst aspects of the club. We also want to hear your suggestions for new facilities".

Report on the new Sport and Leisure centre


The purpose of this report is to evaluate the services provided by the Active Leisure club during last year, as well as to make some recommendations on new facilities to be implemented.

The best aspects of the club

From my point of view, the strongest suit of the Leisure centre is the personalised and very friendly way in which they treat all the members. From the smiling "good morning" in the entrance, to the constant supervision to customer satisfaction regarding the sport classes they provide. I just find this fantastic.

The not so positive aspects of the club

Something to criticise is the lack of variety in the sport activities that are currently being offered. Paddle, swimmimg, and a couple of other water sports are the only options available. It clearly makes very little sense when we consider that the club has space enough to build a tennis court, a football ground or a running course.


I recommend investing on building new facilities for the members to be able to learn to play tennis, football or do athletics.  This measure would certainly please the members and attract new people to join in.


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