CPE 2017 Letter to the editor sample

Submitted by Anna Kalampaka

An international student magazine has invited its readers to submit a letter arguing for immediate action on a key environmental issue. You decide to write a letter briefly describing an environmental problem that concerns you, explaining why you are arguing for immediate  action and recommending appropriate measures to rectify the situation. Use between 240-280 words.

Dear Sir,

I am writing in response to the invitation  of your magazine on last Tuesdays' sedition for readers to write about an environmental issue . The topic I chose is water pollution, which I find of high international significance.

The contamination of  water is a worldwide problem. Researchers have found that the pollution of oceans and coastal regions is mostly caused  by industrial waste being pumped into water resources, a procedure having  disastrous  implications in the biosphere. Furthermore, fertilizers and improperly treated sewage from cities or ships have a highly negative impact on water. Sadly, it seems to be the case that companies can perform this terribly harmful practices without getting any sanctions from the government.

One of  the most negative consequences for humans, is the fact that several toxins are absorbed by fish and animals, which we eat on a daily basis. This causes several diseases, like diarrhea or cholerae. Likewise, a considerable reduction in biodiversity has been detected by scientists all over the planet.

I strongly believe that  the government needs to take immediate measures to prevent water pollution, such as implementing stricter laws . Whatismore, it is a good idea to sponsor environmentally friendly factories and to promote sustainable development. As well as to organise campaigns to educate the citizens on this issue.

I am also of the opinion that we as individuals can do a lot to help the planet. Educate your own children about environmental protection and write to your local authorities to find a way to help your own communities.

 Yours faithfully,
Anna Kalampaka

250 words                                                                                              



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