CAE Essay Sample. Preparation for the exam on 12.11.2016

Submitted by Sandra Lopez

Essay on new facilities for a seaside town

The aim of this essay is to discuss two proposals on new facilities for a seaside town, and to recommend which of them is most likely to bring benefits. 

The first proposal is the construction of a family hotel. This appears to be a brilliant idea as the fantastic weather of the town is definitely its main attraction. I personally have no doubt that many tourists would enjoy spending their holidays on the town's sandy beaches. In addition, the hotel will also boost the economy by providing work opportunities for young people.

The second proposal is to implement a park and a volleyball court. This also seems a very attractive idea since a survey carried out last month shows that people in the town are interested in getting fit and doing exercise. There is, however, a drawback to this project. The construction of the park would be equally expensive as the hotel, with the difference that it would provide no job opportunities.

The way that I see it, it would be infinitely preferable for the hotel project to receive the green light. Not only would it attract more tourists to the town, but it would generate jobs, and the latest statistics in the town show that the rate of unemployment is  currently rising. 

240 words


On the positive side, the writing has a relevant title, is organised in paragraphs, is easy to read and answers the task fully.

On the negative side, the vocabulary in the text seems rather basic for a CAE or CPE level. 


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