CPE 2017 Article on your favourite building Sample

Submitted by Andrea Zubia Palazuelos 

A travel magazine has asked readers to send in articles on their favourite public building, a town hall or a museum, for example. You decide to write an article in which you describe your favourite public building, explain why it is your favourite building and assess its significance for the wider community.
Write your article. Use 240-280 words.

The Festivals Palace

Are you a person who when hearing “public building” imagines a place dominated by routinary and boring tasks? If the answer is yes, you certainly have not had the pleasure of visiting the Festivals Palace.

Even though time has affected its white and green structure, the Festivals Palace still keeps its majesty, dominating the view of the bay of Santander. 

Controversy has surrounded its external form. The general opinion has baptized it as “the puppy”, due to its position resembling a dog lying on its back. But as much as this label might diminish the importance of this building to the eyes of foreigners, this opinion fades away once you get to know it. Its imposing walls, garnished with luxurious ancient tapestries, and the scarlet carpets and curtains which decorate the main hall, make of the Festivals Palace a place definitely worth visiting. 

Apart from my personal fascination with this building, one of its attractions is the range of activities it offers to the community: theatre plays, operas, music concerts, ballets, film screenings and even current music for young people. You can enjoy practically every form of art there, if you are smart enough to buy your tickets in advance!

The Festivals Palace is of great value to the city dwellers. Not only is it the oldest theatre in town, but it is also the one which has made culture accessible to the common public, offering affordable shows from the most prestigious and renowned international companies. The Festivals Palace is emblematic, and it has undeniably become a symbol for the city of Santander.

260 words


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