Writing correction Report for CAE exam

Dear CPESamplewritings, 
please read my Report and give me some feedback.

Rita Cotrim

You belong to an international film club and have been asked to write a report for the club members including information about the main events held over the last twelve months, the present plans for activities in the coming years and a summary of the current financial position of the club in respect of money received and payments made.

Title? (Feedback: write a title)


The aim of this report is to outline the activities we made over the last year and to present our fellow club members our future prospects. (Info about finances is missing, see task)

Main events held last year

First of all, monthly film sessions were organised throughout the year. These sessions were very successful among our club members and got recognised by a cinema magazine.
Furthermore, last year was our 20th anniversary, therefore we were kindly sponsored by DigitalFilms to create a campaign to promote their new film and to celebrate our anniversary. 

Besides this event, a Christmas party was organised and it was a very happy day, where members exchanged gifts and shared a beautiful dinner. (try to use more advanced vocabulary)

Future plans

After gathering all the club’s staff, we came up with new activities for the coming year, such as monthly excursions to a different film club, a film festival and the possibility of opening a new club. (paragraph too short compared with the others)


It is safe to say that the past year was by far our best year financially. As a result of signing a new contract, the club was able to raise funds from a cinematic association. Moreover, we got 200 new subscriptions and 3 articles in 3 different magazines.
Because the club made a lot of profit, all the debts were safely paid. (check grammar)


At the moment, our club is standing in a great position and we have very rosy prospects. If you would like to contribute to the club’s development, please write your idea to our mail service.
Words: 260


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