
Showing posts from September, 2016

CAE Exam March 2017 Writing an Essay sample

Submitted by Guillermo Delgado # of words 275 / Task from book: Advanced 1 (Cambridge) Task Your class has listened to a radio discussion on how more young people can be encouraged to study science. you have made the notes below: Ways of encouraging young people to study science: 1.- Advertising 2.- School programs 3.- Government grants Some opoinions expressed in the discussion: "You never see positive images of young scientists on TV, just pop stars or actors." "Science lessons should be practical and fun." Write an essay discussing two of the points in your notes. You should explain which way would be more effective in encouraging young people to study sciencie, provinding reasons to support your opinion. You might, if you wish, make use the opinions expressed in the discussion, but you should use your own words as far as possible. Essay on young people and science It is often claimed that education is the single most important factor in the development of a coun...

CPE exam 2016 Essay writing practice

Submitted by Julia Angás  #Words: 280 Task Essay on computers: friends or foes?   Computers changed the world we live in a long time ago. But was the change for good? The two texts contrast different views on computers and discuss what we have gained and lost because of them. The first extract argues that an enormous amount of information is now at our fingertips. Anytime, anywhere now, a person can, within a few seconds, find out what the biggest fish in the Amazon river is called, or which the highest tree is in his home country. Anything can be researched and found out straight away. Not only are we now able to access tons of information, but we can also contact people who might be on the other side of the planet. The author of the second passage puts forward the negative aspects of our computer-based society. For example, that many people nowadays seem to be too absorbed by their computer to notice the people around them or even to get up from their chair. One current phe...

Feedback on a piece of writing (CAE/CPE writing practice)

Submitted by Maria Victoria Ferrer Task: “ Write an article describing a river and its effects on the  people who live near it.” Use approximately 200 words. Plan Title with a catchy phrase General introduction about the topic: river ( the river Ganges ) The scale of Ganges and where it is located Its importance in history Its importance in culture Today's relevance in the economy and commerce in general Pollution Final conclusion and wrap up Feedback from CPEsamplewritings is in color red.                           “ The River” (title is not catchy at all!) Flowing through India and Bangladesh, the Ganges river is  today one of the most important natural flows of water in the world (,) not only due to the fact that it is the third largest river in the world (repetition) by discharge but also because of its  cultural and   historical relevance that are far larger than its  2700km of ...

B2 Certification/ CAE: Report Sample 2016

Submitted by Miriam Ortega   # of words: 190 Task:  Last year a new Sport and Leisure centre opened in your home town. You have recently received the following letter from the manager of the centre: "I am writing to all members of the Active Leisure club to thank you for your custom over the last year. We want to make the facilities ever better this year! Please, send a short report to us, telling us what you think are the best and the worst aspects of the club. We also want to hear your suggestions for new facilities". Report on the new Sport and Leisure centre Introduction The purpose of this report is to evaluate the services provided by the  Active Leisure club during last year, as well as   to make some recommendations on new facilities to be implemented. The best aspects of the club From my point of view, the strongest suit  of the Leisure centre is the personalised and very friendly way in which they treat all the members. From the smiling "good morning" ...

B2 Certification/ CAE: Essay on computers Sample 2016

Submitted by Miriam Ortega  # of words: 180 Task We are becoming increasingly dependent on computers. They are used in businesses, hospitals, crime detection and even to fly planes. What things will they be used for in future? Is this dependence on computers a good thing or should we be more suspicious of their benefits? Write an essay of about 180 words. Computers, friends or foes? As everybody knows, the computer is one of the best inventions of the 21st century. We use it for almost everything and we cannot imagine our modern world without it. However, in my opinion, we should consider all the risks related to this technology, in order to do a responsible use of it. Computers and gadgets are updating constantly, and they are certainly powerful tools we can use to create a better future. Think about, for example, on how scientist are using green new technologies to help reduce global warming, or the appliance of the recent 3D printing technology to medicine. How incredible is it,...