CAE Exam March 2017 Writing an Essay sample

Submitted by Guillermo Delgado # of words 275 / Task from book: Advanced 1 (Cambridge) Task Your class has listened to a radio discussion on how more young people can be encouraged to study science. you have made the notes below: Ways of encouraging young people to study science: 1.- Advertising 2.- School programs 3.- Government grants Some opoinions expressed in the discussion: "You never see positive images of young scientists on TV, just pop stars or actors." "Science lessons should be practical and fun." Write an essay discussing two of the points in your notes. You should explain which way would be more effective in encouraging young people to study sciencie, provinding reasons to support your opinion. You might, if you wish, make use the opinions expressed in the discussion, but you should use your own words as far as possible. Essay on young people and science It is often claimed that education is the single most important factor in the development of a coun...