CPE 2017 Have your writing corrected
Submitted by Zlatka Plavec Write an Essay summarising and commenting on the two texts. 240-280 Words Tackling Traffic Congestion Policy-makers employ a wide range of measures to tackle the problem of traffic congestion. Enforcement schemes such as setting strict speed limits on major roads and the use of congestion charges in city centres are two such examples as are vehicle exclusion zones or parking restrictions in busy pedestrian areas. However, it also makes sense to encourage motorists to become less reliant on their car. This can be achieved by making public transport more efficient and promoting the benefits of car-sharing with work colleagues, thus reducing weekly fuel bills. And the increasing number of cycle lanes on many roads is further evidence of how to win the hearts and minds of motorists in the fight against congestion .The Joy of Motoring Recent research into the attitudes of motorists shows we are still more than happy to get behind the wheel. Despite risi...